Lots of time, we see a perfect man or woman. He is good looking, runs his own business, lovely wife and children, lots of friends. Nothing bad in this world seems can ruin him. All the angels are protecting him, the rainbow always follows where he goes.
I remember a story about a man asking God why his life is not like others. He compared his life with his boss and his peers, who he thought are in perfect condition. In the end, he didn't want those 'perfect' lives anymore because God revealed everything to him. The boss turned out to have a chronic heart disease, his friend turned out to be a wife abuser, etc. Yes, I have seen them too. I have seen the perfect men, women, and couples. In the end, they flaws too, many times very big flaws which others can't believe. Of course, I don't support a lot of things that they do e.g.: violent to their wives, take drugs, etc. But I don't blame them to have these flaws, to me still it is the law of nature... nothing is perfect. These things make them normal as a human being. One of my friend say it is a person defect, what the most important is the inside.
Too many times, I found people who struggle to have the perfect condition ,or even worse... to be seen as if they are perfect, they sacrifice other things which are more essential. In the end, they suffer day by day living in the life that they don't want to live in. The only amusement to them is only when others say or notice their "perfectness". And many times too, I found people who has human defects, they turned out to be nice person. They maybe a heavy smoker, drugs abuser or else but lots of times they can see things through, they are more wiser and they are true to me and themselves. Of course, there are defects which are related to the inside of someone. It is hard to believe someone who beats his wife but yet he is kind and true to others, unless his wife is a bastard too.
In previous blogs, I said normal is boring, perhaps now I can say perfect is boring too... no no no... I should say, pretend to be perfect is boring. It is even more boring then the normal :). So in the end, are there really perfect or close to perfect people? I believe there are and I will be grateful if I could meet one. Now what I have seen are the majority common people, which is ok because nothing is perfect, the important thing is what your inside is.
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